Sunday, January 23, 2011

days 2 - 5

listeners, viewers, readers, canoers,

thanks for your patience. the road, we've found, has allowed for little time with access to the interwebs.

Thursday marked the drive of death up to Dayton. We knew a great big snowstorm was coming in and we drove straight into it. Kevin showed Swarzenneger-like skill and heroism on the icy roads and we pulled up into the white-out ghost town of downtown Dayton. To our pleasant surprise, a whole slew of others had braved the elements, too, and Canal Street Tavern was bumping with cozy enthusiastics. Our friends in Alec Delphenic Trio (formerly baby-faced Alec boasted an epic beard) did a surprise cover of STONE COLD FOX which blew our brains, and the incredible Bengsons followed. Shaun and Abi Bengson are married, in love, and touring the country making spectacularly personal music. I met them when I saw their play at the Cincinnati Fringe Festival in which they told the story of their adventures around four continents in the form of hilarious, beautiful songs. We went on amidst a small and proud throng of painted faces (friends had found the facepaint in our stuff and started passing it around) and afterward left Dayton to get a head start on the drive to Philadelphia.

alec, before

alec, after

We careened in to Philly Friday night and were awestruck by how stunningly gorgeous the city is. We took some really fantastic pictures of our cameras' flashes on the inside of the van windows.

Legendary Dobbs was a small venue in a vibrant art district on South St. where bands like Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Green Day, and Oasis played when they were baby bands like us. Show was packed and hot. Special thanks to Seanny's cousin Karianne for pimping out our merch and to Arielle for hooking us up with an awesome hotel suite!!

currently we are en route to NYC on the New Jersey Turnpike. our first stop will be Pete's Candy Store in Brooklyn, which besides having a mildly creepy title hosts a popular open-mic on Sunday evenings.



  1. Please, please, please come to Vancouver, British Columbia. I can guarantee a fabulous spaghetti dinner if you do :) Cheers!

